Friday, 19 June 2020

Waiting for the Summer Weather...

A sunny day visit to Škofja Loka
I know that in the UK over the past couple of weeks you've had great weather and yet have all been stuck inside. Here it feels like we've had the opposite problem. We're allowed out and about and yet the weather is just not co-operating. Today we were supposed to have our last youth group of the year - an outside pool party with barbeque and a Masterchef competition. Instead we've had to postpone due to the stormy weather. One day will be nice and then the next it's tipping it down. I'm still longing for and looking forward to the long summer days that are due to be coming.

To me this seems like a snapshot of my life at the moment - in transition and waiting for things to come. My whole life feels very strange at the moment. I'm saying goodbye to people and usual activities, waiting for my move back to the UK, but I still have 2 months to go and I need to focus on things here. To be honest I'm not sure that I'll even feel 100% settled back in the UK. With plans to return to Slovenia in September 2021, I expect to feel in transition for the next year or so. My mum very helpfully pointed out that this is how we, as Christians, are supposed to feel in this world. This world is only transitory, fleeting and nothing compared to what is to come. Of course this doesn't mean that we don't interact with and live in the world but we are always to remember that this is not our true home, that there is something much, much better to come.

It's with these thoughts that I am facing the summer and the work I need to do. The next big thing to focus on is our youth camp which is due to happen in about a month. I'm really looking forward to it but am also aware of the work that needs to be done before then. After that we're due to have our church family camp. Unfortunately we will not be able to use the same venue that we normally do and we have not yet found a solution. It may be that the camp happens after I've left for the UK. I would be very sad if this were to happen but I know that all possibilities need to be looked into.

In the meantime I'm left staring out of the window trying to look for bits of blue sky...

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