Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Ready, Steady Go...

It feels like it has taken a very long time to get to this point! It's been over 2 years since I first visited and fell in love with the country of Slovenia, a year since I was last there but now I can officially say that I am finally on my way!

After all the waiting things came together very quickly! I got the go ahead from ECM and the church to start liaising with Slovenia last Thursday and since then I have been able to organise accommodation and when I will arrive. My flight has been booked for 3rd May! I am also very excited that I will be living with another British missionary who works with students at the local university. I am very grateful that she has made it possible for me to live with her and that she has been willing to answer all and any of my questions.

It's all starting to feel very real. Before I could talk about it all and what will happen but now I need to start organising it all. There seems like a lot to do and it's a bit overwhelming. I am ever so slightly terrified about it all!

God has been so good to me in this period. It's been a long wait but I can see how He has been going ahead of me and making the timing perfect. I am very grateful that things seem to be coming together well.

The next month is looking like it will be fairly hectic. This week I am prepping for my church's Holiday Bible Club which I will be helping with next week. I will be working with the stream for 11-14 year olds so I've spent this morning wandering around Swindon trying to write a treasure hunt. Tomorrow will be spent writing a Bible study. Being unemployed has allowed me to help out with this for the first time and I'm looking forward to it all. It's also good practice for things I may be doing in Slovenia. This essentially means that I won't have much time to sort things out for a couple of weeks! There is much to do and I'm praying that I won't forget anything.

My church in Swindon is organising a commissioning service for me on 29th April - the last Sunday before I go. I will leave Swindon for St. Albans on 1st May and will be on my way at lunch time on 3rd May.

Please continue to pray for me now that the wait is over. Please pray that I will be able to organise everything I need to and that I feel prepared to go. I would also appreciate prayers for strengthening in faith and that I will continue to trust in God for all things. I know that I will face many trials and battles in the weeks and months ahead but I know that God will be with me wherever I go.

For now I am rejoicing - I am finally off to the country that is to be my new home for at least the next year!

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