Friday, 22 March 2024

Answers to Prayer...

Fun at the Away Day
I want to start by thanking so many of you for your prayers over the last few weeks. I've really seen how God has been answering them. Last Saturday we had our first youth away day. I arranged it as a chance for the young people to catch up with other teenagers from around Slovenia who had come to our camp in the summer. It was also the chance to spend time looking at God's word and to encourage them when the days can still be quite dark and depressing.

It was a great success and so I think I will plan for this to be a regular event in the year. We had 12 young people aged between 11 and 20 come together to think about the Armour of God and the spiritual battle we are in. Please continue to pray for these young people, that they would remember what they have learnt and that they would apply it to their lives.

In another answer to prayer, and news hot off the press, yesterday we got confirmation of our booking for a new venue for our summer youth camp. Some of you may know that we had made the difficult decision to change venue for this year and so it is a massive answer to prayer that we have been able to locate a new venue. I have been involved in these summer camps since 2018 and this is the first time since I've been involved that we will be in a new place. Please be praying for me and for the other leaders as we plan camp at this new venue. It is literally the other end of the country - near the border with Austria - it is fully catered, and has different equipment and opportunities. This will obviously change the feel of camp and what it will look like. Please pray for wisdom as we plan in light of this. Thank you to those who have been praying about this and thank God for his good provision.

Life has been quite quiet in the past week now that preparation for the Away Day is done. Life should go back to a reasonably normal routine for the next couple of weeks for which I am grateful.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!

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Is that a potato temple?

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