Friday, 15 October 2021

Hitting the ground running...

Police and tear gas in the centre of Ljubljana
So much has happened in the last two weeks that it's hard to know where to start. As I wrote last time there have been protests in Ljubljana every week for the past month. On Tuesday last week different EU leaders arrived in Slovenia for a summit to discuss the entry of Balkan countries into the EU. The protestors decided to take advantage of the media spotlight on Slovenia. I won't go into the details but sufficed to say the police used tear gas and water cannons again. Unfortunately for me, I happened to be in the centre of Ljubljana that night for a choir practice. As we cycled together to practice, my friend said to me "are your eyes stinging?" The tear gas the police were using spread throughout the entire centre and permeated the building we were in. It was an interesting rehearsal with the sound of the police helicopter reverberating around and our throats and eyes being affected by the gas. None of us knew exactly what situation we would be going out into when we left. Fortunately the streets had quietened down at that point and although there were lots of police officers around I got home easily. There was another protest this week on Wednesday but it was quieter and much more contained than the previous couple. I expect these protests to continue so please keep praying for the country and the political situation here. 

As for me the last two weeks have been non-stop. I started my language course and I'm really enjoying it. I'm in the top group and there are only 4 of us in the class in total. It's hard work but I feel like much of what I had learnt previously is coming back to me. With my language classes, homework and Cornhill work I certainly have enough to keep me busy but I'm enjoying everything I'm doing and I feel like I'm learning lots. This next Wednesday I need to give my first talk for Cornhill this year. It's on 1 Peter 4: 1-11 if you're interested. Please be praying for my preparation and that I would be learning from the feedback I receive. 

On top of all this I'm still dealing with all the practical issues of moving to a new country. I've had fun organising the shipping of boxes and they've mostly arrived in one piece! Last Friday I attended an interview at the town hall to file my application for residency. It was a bit more complicated and stressful than I was expecting but the application is now in and so I just have to trust God and the process. I have a very official letter that says I'm not allowed to leave the country until I get an answer as to whether my application has been accepted or not. This shouldn't be a problem although I am praying that it will be organised sooner rather than later as I would like to be able to go to the UK for Christmas. I have been told that it will take at least a month but I'm hoping it won't be much more than that. 

It's hard to believe that I've been back in Slovenia for a month now. The time has gone so quickly and yet God has blessed me so much through his provision of accommodation and friendship and fellowship at church. Last night I hosted the Ladies' Bible Study (and will continue to host every other week). It was so nice to be able to meet in person and to be able to share what God has given me. Please continue to pray for me. Give thanks for all that God has given me but please be praying for me as I continue to settle in and deal with all my new responsibilities and workload.

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