Friday, 28 February 2020

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

Ok that might be a bit dramatic, we haven't had that much snow but this last week it's definitely felt like winter again. The weather here has been pretty mild and I thought that maybe spring was coming early. Not yet, at any rate! These last two weeks have been quite quiet but still very enjoyable for me. Last week was a school holiday so many of my regular meetings were cancelled. It was very encouraging though that the teenage girls all still wanted to meet up to read the Bible together despite them being on holiday and could easily have wanted to stay at home.

This last week has been a really good week for me too as my sister and her husband came to Slovenia, partly to spend time snowboarding, partly to spend time with me. I spent a great day up the mountain on Saturday, seeing a new side of Slovenia as I have never skied or s
nowboarded before (I still haven't as I spent the whole day in the cafe!) Our time together, however, was shortened a bit after they had adventures driving up a mountain and decided not to risk it again. This meant that although I couldn't see them every day, it gave me time to finish all the work that I needed to before we took a mini break to Lake Bled on Wednesday and Thursday. That was when the snow really came and gave a fairytale quality to the mountainous region we were visiting. It really was very beautiful.

Although the last couple of weeks have been a bit easier for me, it was nice to have a little break. I also met with the other leaders of the youth group and we were able to plan what we will be doing this next semester and to start to think about plans for a spring camp as well as one in summer and the possibility of taking a group of our teenagers to the concert in Hungary I was talking about in my last post. It all looks very exciting. I'm also quite excited about the topic we will be studying this term. Some of you may well have heard of the book God's Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts. It has now been turned into a video course complete with a Bible study which is available for free online. We're planning to translate the questions into Slovene but will have to cope with the videos themselves in English for the time being. Please be praying for this and for the teenagers as they look at the overall story of the Bible.

Thank you all again for your continued prayers and other support. I really couldn't do it without you all. I'm still in the position where I need to raise financial support, especially for next year but also for my long term ministry but I can't yet confirm what my plans are. I'm sorry for continuing to be vague but I would be very grateful if you would be able to help me in this way. If you feel that you would be able to help support me in this way you can either email me at or click the donate button on my ECM worker page:
Thank you all again for all the ways that you continue to support me, whatever they look like.

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