Tuesday 8 October 2024

They're Finally Here...

L-R Me, Terence, Bethany, Josh

It's taken a couple of years but my new Australian team have finally all arrived in Slovenia. They have all come with ECM and will all be based at my church, REC, for at least the next two years as they settle into life here and learn the language and culture.

After so much time planning and preparing, it's great to see how God has answered prayers and led them all here safely. It will be a new experience for me, having other ECM workers around and helping them as the navigate life and beuracracy here. Please pray for them all as they settle in, and for me as I help them to transition and that we would all be able to work well together.

Speaking of beuracracy, yesterday (7th) I once again had to start the application process for my residency permit. I was quite proud of myself since it was the first time that I went and applied totally by myself. It's always daunting since most of the time the officials refuse to speak in English. Fortunately the appointment went fairly smoothly and my application is now in. Unfortunately I was told that it could take six months to approve. Despite this, I understand that I should still be able to leave the country during this time and so my Christmas plans are unaffected. Please pray for this whole process, that it would go smoothly and that it would be a lot quicker than the estimated 6 months!

My workload has definitely increased this term. I now have three regular one to ones each week as well as the usual weekly youth group. In exciting news, we have now made the decision to trial working alongside a church in the nearby town of Domžale. Once a month we will hold our youth group in their church building in the hopes of making it more accessible to more young people. Our first joint meeting will be on 25th October. Please pray for this initiative, for all the people involved and especially for the young people. Please pray that God would be glorified by this and that more young people would be able to hear about Him and the great things He has done.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support, praise God for new workers who want to serve Slovenes, but please continue to pray for the work and for the people here.

They're Finally Here...

L-R Me, Terence, Bethany, Josh It's taken a couple of years but my new Australian team have finally all arrived in Slovenia. They have a...