Friday 12 July 2024

Keep Trusting God...

The last month and a half have been very difficult ones for me and my family. The end result was that the day after the last youth group of the term, I had to fly back to the UK for two funerals. I then returned to Slovenia the Friday before camp started.

To be honest it's all been a bit of a whirlwind. I am so thankful to all the people who have been praying during this time. God has answered so many prayers during this time and I'm so grateful to Him for all He has done.

Camp this year seemed to have so many more challenges than usual. We had to find a new location, it was more expensive than previous years, we didn't have enough people apply, I obviously was not able to prepare in the way I had hoped, and to cap it all off, the car I was travelling in broke down 15 minutes away from the site. It's times like this when all you can do is to trust God! Despite all these difficulties, camp went really well! We had 12 young people aged between 12 and 21. The new location was so nice and just worked really well for us. It was a luxury compared to previous years - we had proper beds and food was prepared for us! This meant that we had more time to be able to hang out and build relationships with the young people. The staff at the site also seemed to be really happy with us as a group, which is obviously a great witness.

This year, the theme of the camp was living by faith from Hebrews 11. I had chosen this theme a year ago, actually the day before the previous camp started (I already have a plan for next year now as well!). I had no idea how much thinking about these things would help me as I have been dealing with the difficulties facing me and my family. It has been a great reminder that despite challenges, despite difficulties and sadness, God is still faithful and he always keeps his promises!

We had a great time, the young people seemed to enjoy it and most of all, God was glorified. Finally, the car was miraculously fixed in time for us to travel home yesterday. Such an answer to prayer!

For now, I need to settle back into life in Slovenia after the whirlwind of sadness, travel and camp. I think I need to sleep...

They're Finally Here...

L-R Me, Terence, Bethany, Josh It's taken a couple of years but my new Australian team have finally all arrived in Slovenia. They have a...