Friday, 11 February 2022

Rest, refreshment, encouragement and sledding...

View from the top of a mountain
Despite the fact that I'm still on a break from language school, my weeks seem to have filled up quickly. I have really appreciated the chance to spend good time catching up with lots of people. When busy with language school my relationships with people really did get pushed to one side so it's been really refreshing to have the time to spend with lots of different people. It's also been an opportunity to learn more about the culture and country of Slovenia. This last week I visited the ethnographic museum, which, although I don't think I would choose to go to again, was interesting to see what questions are being asked about society and how Slovenes view themselves and other cultures. 

Slovenes are also big fans of winter sports. I'm consoling my
self with the fact that although Team GB currently have no medals at the Winter Olympics, Slovenia has 5, including 2 golds from ski jumping. I got a chance to go to a ski resort a couple of weeks ago to try night sledding. To be honest, the best part for me was seeing the view and the sunset across this beautiful country. The sledding itself wasn't bad, I just think I'm much happier looking at views and drinking coffee!

View from the Ethnographic Museum
The most encouraging thing that has happened in the last couple of weeks though was at the Ladies' Bible Study. I was encouraged last minute to offer to give my latest Cornhill talk on Exodus 22:1-17. I literally had a morning to translate it (Google translate is my friend!) and prepare some discussion questions. It seemed to go really well and we had some interesting discussions after the talk. People were still talking to me about it for the next few days so I guess that's a good sign. Anyway, this isn't really about me, my ability to give talks or my ability to translate. All the glory should be going to our great God. I really struggled writing the talk in the first place and I know that it's only because of Him that I was able to produce it. For me it was a great reminder of why I wanted to come to Slovenia in the first place but it also showed me that all Scripture is useful for teaching. You may have no idea what this passage is all about (hint: it's about restitution), it seems that very few people preach on it and it's a part that most people skip or only glance over. My challenge to you, and to myself, is to take the time to look at the Law more carefully because there is so much richness there and we will be the losers if we ignore it.

These next two weeks will be the last of my break but they will also be quieter as it's half term and I will have a break from Cornhill. I really need to get to my pile of books I wanted to finish - I have finished 1 so only another 3 to go! I also want to focus more on my vocab before I start at language again. Please pray for me as I manage my time that I will be faithful and doing what I need to do but also as I start to prepare to go back to an incredibly busy timetable!

A Busy Start to the Year...

  Happy New Year everyone! OK, I know I'm very late with that. The weather in Ljubljana continues to be grey and cold but we do have occ...